USB Data Theft Protection Tool
USB Drive Data Theft Protection Software monitors the plug-in and plug-out activities of USB mass storage devices on multiple systems. Software has option to set E-mail settings, Camera settings, FTP settings and Import and Export settings option accordingly. PC USB port monitor software log features provide details of USB drive permission settings along with detailed information including detection and elimination time of USB removable media and other useful information like USB device manufacturer name with disk storage capacity, hardware ID, and fully capable to display the information about domain name and IP address of client machine and server machine.
Software provides USB access settings to enable or disable USB access port. Software has facility to set password so that unauthorized user cannot access the USB Data Theft Protection software. You can easily view log list of connected or disconnected USB devices.
Screenshot of USB Data Theft Protection Tool

Software Benefits
- Block USB port to prevent unauthorized access to the USB mass storage device.
- Facility to run program from start -> run using specified keyword.
- Provide the details of plug-in or plug-out activities of USB mass storage media even while the network cable is unplugged or broken.
- Option to specify log file size Minimum 10 KB and Maximum 2 MB.
- Facility to send log file via E-mail and upload log file via FTP server.
- Useful in various organizations including Software Companies, Research Departments, IT Industries, Corporate Organization, Computer Lab of Schools and Colleges etc.
- Support every type of USB mass storage removable media including Pen drive, Memory card, PDA devices, Thumb drive, Mp3 player, iPod, Digital camera and many more.
- Facility to export current general configuration settings, Email settings and FTP settings to file, if you want to install software in multiple machines.